
Brandon Mull Book Signing – The Beyonders


Brooke, Isaac, Elise Garner, Karina Garner and I went to Deseret Book for the book signing of Brandon Mull’s newest series – The Beyonders. We actually went to Barnes and Noble to get the book because it had an amazing holographic cover. Very cool. Thanks Jen Coons for the tip.


This is the kids with Brandon. I was very impressed with him. Brandon Mull is the kind of person that took time with each of the kids individually despite the fact that the line was enormous. Instead of hurrying them along he asked them each questions to validate them. I was inspired because I asked him how he got into writing. He had a similar path as me, a career in marketing and living the corporate life then just decided that he would start writing. So he did.


I Have the Cutest Kids in the World… No, Seriously the Cutest.

Cutest Kids in the World

I love my kids. They are not only cute by appearance but their personalities are truly adorable. The youthful innocence they keep is beautiful. This week, mostly on Tuesday, we shared a couple of experiences that kept me in stitches.


Malia – Previously in the week she had hounded, my beautiful wife, Nicole to see if she could have a toy cell phone when they were at the store. During breakfast on Tuesday, Malia remembered the cell phone. “Mom can I have my cell phone now?”, she asked. Nicole responded sweetly, “As soon as you do some jobs for me, like I told you.” Malia beamed brightly back, “Mom, I did my jobs. I brushed my teeth and ate breakfast and said my prayers and played with Kate and watched Scooby Doo and gave hugs.”

We all laughed at her beautiful young perspective. For her, the things that fill her day are her jobs. How would it be if all we had to do each day was brush our teeth, say our prayers, and give hugs.

Brooke and Isaac – This same day, a few minutes later, Brooke and Isaac loaded into my car so I could take them to school. They were having a small argument about wether our not we had taken our dog Nala on vacation with us. Brooke tried to deny that she had said something so I started to sing an impromptu song in my goofy way, “Being wrong, oh it’s ok, as long as you don’t roll in the hay.” Isaac jumped in excitedly, “I want to roll in the hay! That sounds fun!” Brooke immediately retorted, “No you don’t, there are needles in it.”

Needles in haystacks, rolling in the hay, and jobs for kids kept me in stitches. Now you know why I have the Cutest Kids in the World!


Shoulder Slobber


As I sat in Sunday school, I watched my friend Jonny Moon pull out a burp cloth from his diaper bag and wipe baby slobber from the shoulder of his nice black suit. His beautiful red-headed new-born, with dimples that never end, had just left a memento of the bond they share on his shoulder. After putting her gently back in the baby carrier, he ardently tried to remove the blemish from his Armani. Although he was trying to look nice by scrubbing his shoulder, I found myself longing for a spot of spittle myself. I wished for a goober of my own. My youngest is now three and because she is mobile I don’t get the same number of opportunities to hold her as I used to, which means not as many spots.

I didn’t always have this longing for crusties on my  clothing. When Nicole and I were first married, I would wear my suit to an “important” meeting with “important” people only to find out after the meeting was over that I had smears of slobber streaked down my shoulder. I would feel embarrassed and a little frustrated that the blob of baby blubbering made me look less professional. I would get tired of sending my suit to the dry cleaners repeatedly.

My tune has changed. Instead of embarrassment and frustration I see reminders of a sweet baby that shares a special bond with me. I have to admit that I have left a few less conspicuous patches of love on my dress clothes longer than a “professional” should. Spots left on my clothes as a reminder throughout my day that there is a little girl at home eagerly waiting to run into my arms with screams of excitement when I walk through the door. When I see PB&J that was transferred from her cheeks to my clothes it reminds me that each of my kids also ran into my arms until they grew to big.  Each time I see a dab of dried drool it reminds me that every night I have a package of love bundled up in pink piggy pajamas who smiles as I move her head from my shoulder to her pillow. It reminds me that I need to take every opportunity to hold her tightly before she grows up. It reminds me that I don’t have much time left to pick her up and squeeze her tight, give her “Ba-Dumps” up the stairs, and rest her sleepy head on my shoulder…

…even if it means a smear of slobber on my suit.


One of the Best Days of My Life


Isaac was baptized on February 5, 2011

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